A project is underway in Orkney, northern Scotland that will integrate the hatchery culture of oysters, micro-algae, lumpfish and European clawed lobsters. The Orkney Shellfish Hatchery will serve as the new operational base for Shellfish Hatchery Solutions and its innovative Aquahive® system for culturing clawed lobsters and other crustacean species. The facility will be used to further improve the existing product by adopting next-generation aquafarming technology and also serve as a testing area to produce their own unique hatchery and grower feeds line for clawed lobsters.
The company, inspired by the sustainable aquaculture vision of entrepreneur Giles Cadman, has identified the hatchery feed business and early hatchery culture of clawed lobsters in stages I-IV as one of two areas which has a significant potential to develop and expand its Shellfish Hatchery Solutions business. Orkney Shellfish Hatchery Solutions has consolidated a strong team of hatchery, feed and business specialists to further develop Shellfish Hatchery Solutions hatchery products, based on innovative filtration designs and fundamental research on nutritional requirements.
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