As part of the ongoing developments in the Norwegian lobster hatchery Shellfish Hatchery Systems Ltd. installed four new Aquahives® plus the redesign of the hen room and lobster larvae collection system and the redesign of the incubators and incubator filters.
Over the 2010 season, as part of the consultancy work, Shellfish Hatchery Systems Ltd. with Production Manager Sven Arild Korsvoll highlighted several improvements to be made in the lobster hatchery. As well as supplying the additional four Aquahives® to meet their 2011 production targets, Shellfish Hatchery Systems Ltd also took on the redesign of the other key systems at the lobster hatchery to improve the production
The four Aquahive® units installed this year will give the hatchery a holding capacity of over 140,000 and will give the hatchery a potential target of producing 420,000 juvenile lobsters at stage 6, to be transported to their sea ranch for on-growing. The Aquahives® installed are the first to have an integrated heating system, allowing the temperature to be maintained throughout the season at a constant 19°C. The heater has been manufactured from high-grade titanium to resist corrosion in the saltwater system.
A development from the Aquahive® system was used in the lobster hatchery. 2 of the Aquahive® filtration units were installed to supply water to the berried lobster holding tanks. Each Aquahive® filtration unit has the capacity to recycle 250 litres of water per minute, supplying water to 50 berried lobsters in each system.
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