In the second half of 2017, Shellfish Hatchery Systems Ltd installed a complete hatchery module for culture of European clawed lobsters for the National Lobster Hatchery (NLH).
The NLH is situated in the seaside town of Padstow in the Southwest of England, who was awarded a grant from the Maritime Management Organisation (MMO) from their European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) to install a complete hatchery module within two shipping containers; comprising of a broodstock, larval rearing and juvenile production area, with capacity to produce about 60,000 stage 6 - 8 juvenile lobsters. This new complete lobster hatchery solution was positioned by support of the Harbour Commission in the picturesque coastal town of Newlyn.
This new facility installed by Shellfish Hatchery Solutions allows the NLH to conduct parallel experiments to that taking place in Padstow in their Lobster Grower 2 Project. This is an exciting opportunity for the NHL to operate a mobile, modular and scalable land-based production system for the European clawed lobster.
The innovative design that incorporates a complete hatchery solution for culture of European clawed lobsters in such a small footprint, completes the revolution of hatchery design and operation. The professional finish within the shipping containers is visually stunning, allowing the operators improved biosecurity, production and operational efficiencies, cementing Shellfish Hatchery Solutions commitment to offering the best hatchery products for culture of the European clawed lobster and other closely related crustacean species.
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