Operating globally, Ocean On Land Technology® supplies clawed lobster hatchery solutions for customers wishing to replenish wild lobster stocks, secure the future of the wild fishery and even entrepreneurs wishing to grow on clawed lobsters to a larger body size. We provide state-of-the-art clawed lobster hatchery and farming equipment, systems, feeds and consultancy.
Offering everything from individual components to complete modular hatchery systems, our specialist product range includes the globally-renowned Aquahive® product, which is fully patented and trademarked. In addition, our most recent innovation, the ground-breaking Hatchery-in-a-Box, provides a complete lobster hatchery solution within a drastically reduced footprint.
An adult clawed lobster takes 5 to 7 years to fully develop. At this stage, a female lobster can hold up to 20,000 eggs under her tail, constantly tending to them to ensure they remain healthy for 9 to 12 months until they are released into the water column. For 21 to 24 days post-release and during the first three stages of development in the wild, the planktonic clawed lobster larvae are highly vulnerable to predators. Less than 1% actually survive in the wild through to stage IV, where they begin to resemble a small clawed lobster of 20mm in total length.
Clawed lobsters can be reared on-land successfully, through our innovative system design for the complete lobster lifecycle (broodstock holding and maturation, larval and juvenile clawed lobster development). Our team of lobster, hatchery and nutrition professionals are continuously innovating the products we offer to further improve success rates and operator experiences.
With our innovative hatchery solutions, Hatchery-in-a-Box and patented Aquahive product, users of our systems are releasing more clawed lobsters back into the wild to develop local coastal fisheries, supporting coastal communities now and hopefully well into the future.
Our professional, highly knowledgeable and dedicated research and development
team continue to adapt our hatchery products to meet customer requirements.
Innovation is key, which is why we have invested not only in developing a training
centre for our present and future customers, but so we can also provide an area
where our team of professionals can develop our product range into a truly complete
hatchery solution.
Driven by passion for our industry, underpinned by years of experience, we are
constantly conducting research within aquaculture to ensure we produce the most
advanced and up-to-date solutions.
Ocean On Land Technology builds value by protecting its innovative technology. As a progressive company we want to succeed in everything we do, which is why we have invested in a talented team of experienced, aquaculture professionals to continually improve our existing product range and develop new products. These products can be accessed by both our existing and new customers, providing a greater user/operator experience that leads to greater yields from the hatcheries.
The design of our individual
Aquahive system borrows from nature in the form of a honeycomb.
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